Hey… Just wanted to say thank you. Your hard work may be behind the scenes… But isn’t unnoticed. As always… Everything was first class… And an absolute great time. Event was fantastic… And course was great… Even with all that rain. New Era has great members… And exceptional courses and staff. We don’t all take it for granted!!! Thank you all again!!!

Jim C.

The golf was very fun and exciting as usual. But the food was fantastic and greatly exceeded my expectations. So much food, and the Stroganoff was the best I’ve had in years. Congratulations to the Chef!

Pete C.

Once again, you and your staff put on another “fun” quality event. Two man team events are great! Thank you.

Denny D.

Hi, I want to express my appreciation for your response to my situation. We are very grateful to you for your decision and hope to continue to be associated with you and the New Era Golf Association for many more years to come. My wife and I find great pleasure in the golf courses, the staff, and the fellow members and truly believe you are an integral part of why this is such an excellent organization. Again, thank you for continuing to demonstrate the integrity for which you are known. Hope to see you soon so I can thank you in person.

Chuck G.

I am writing to let you know what a great time Jim O’Brien (OB) and I had playing in the Glenross golf league this summer and fall. OB and I played in both leagues this summer and fall and just lost in the fall championship match last night. RD organizes the league very well and makes it fun to participate. He kept us informed about the league standings and handicaps each week and the tee times were always fair with teams rotating within the schedule so no one team always got to go off first. Championship night was filled with skill prizes on every hole and gift cards for the participants of the championship match. Had I known their was a prize for second place I may have relaxed and enjoyed myself more in watching an opponent shoot 38 on us in the final with six fours on his card. The hot pizza and cold drinks waiting for us at the completion of our round was a great touch also as everyone present had enough pizza to satisfy their appetite.

OB and I ARE VERY HAPPY with our decision to become New Era members last year at this time. When we were considering the change from Players Club each head pro gave us the opportunity to personally inspect / tour their course and ask them questions before we made the decision to join. Our major concern about the availability of early morning tee times has not been an issue until recently because of increased play / outings at Royal American and later sunrise. We have been going to other courses to play early which is possible with your other courses in the area. We hope you add more courses in the future and can not wait to renew our memberships and see what you have in mind for next year. Participation in numerous men’s league events next year will hopefully see OB and I playing in the New Era Cup next fall. Thank you for giving RD and the other pros the freedom to put on fair and fun events throughout the season.

Dan M. & Jim O.

I played New Albany Links on Friday with 3 other New Era Members. The course was in fantastic condition. It was very green and full of life. The work that was done on the bunkers was excellent. Those that are completely done are in great shape and the sand was “tour like”. Those that were recently cleaned out and some dirt was moved looked great and were playable. I know they were dumping sand that day and plan to continue. The guys that I played with grabbed a burger and went back out to play nine holes. They were the same guys that played a month ago and were disappointed. Off the golf course, the service that I received inside was fantastic, as usual. Having the grill running outside is a nice touch. The pool has been a frequent place for us this summer and my daughter has had a great time. The swim team is a great group of people that work hard to run a top notch program. I want to thank you and New Albany Links on contributing to a great summer for me and my family. Keep up the good work!

Jay S.

I left the club before thanking you guys for another good year with New ERA. I really believe you offer a great value and a chance to meet a lot of great people. Already looking forward to next season. Thanks again!

Mike B.

Thank you for putting on such a great event Sat. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to hang out afterwards but I did have a great time. This first year of being a part of the association has been a blast. I’ve met a ton of great people that I can continue to play with for the remainder of the year. I’m already looking fwd to next year’s events. Hope to see you soon. Please pass on my thanks to Ray for supporting the association.

Jeff C.

Fun tournament on Saturday afternoon, I look forward to playing in the Shamble.

Dan M.

Thanks to you and your staff for a great opening day event. You really do a great job making everyone feel welcomed.

Chuck R.

Nice Job on the Member-Member Tournament. I enjoyed the format and the guys…I have told many that you are the most proactive golf Membership Director I have ever met. I feel groups I play with at Royal American and your pot game are great ways in making new members feel welcomed.

Mike B.

A class act put on there Saturday by you. Very smooth.

Scotty D

Hey, just wanted to say what a great job you guys have been doing. I realize this is the first year for New Era Golf but it feels as if you and the board members have been doing this for a lot longer than just one year. Keep up the good work, it doesn’t go unnoticed.

Steve Z.

I cannot wait to play. I appreciate everything that you have done for me. Thank for for leaving a card, if the weather is good I will take you up on it.

Doug C.

Thank you, I know you are working very hard behind the scenes to make this year’s Men’s Association a success. I appreciate it!

James G.

Congratulations. It was a great outing. I had two fun partners.

Bill R.

Best year of golf ever. Your guys did one hell of a job…Looking forward to next year. Thanks.

Peter M.

Really enjoyed the member guest, got a lot for the money, the steaks were outstanding and the 2 rounds went fairly quick.

Randy L.

Thanks! Hey, for the first year of the Men’s club you are doing a great job!

Wayne N.

I have to tell you I am so glad we did this membership. At Glenross last evening we only played 4 holes but spent 2.5 hours on chipping and putting. I had the help of a friend of mine and the staff at Glenross was very accommodating. We have been treated so well by everyone and helped me get a tee time through all the men’s leagues.

Chuck M.

I was impressed with you during our discussions and for me, I appreciate that there is finally someone at the course who has a plan and direction, which has been terribly lacked in the past.

Doug C.

Everything was on time and all those involved made my guest and I feel right at home. Your pro shop staff, bar/wait staff and Jeff did an outstanding job making sure everything happened on time and the food was fresh, good and plentiful!

Doug P.

Had a great time at the invitational… Course… Food… Facilities… Everything was top notch… as usual. I know a lot of work goes on behind the scenes to make everything so nice… And it isn’t taken for granted.

James S.

I wanted to thank you for the organization, course conditions and food you offered for our member/guest. Everything was very well done and your efforts (and those of the staff) were sincerely appreciated! I was proud to bring my guest to our event.

Jim O

I have been a “Players Club” member since prior to New Era acquisition. You have a very welcoming and professional staff. I feel like the membership is similar to a private club experience at GCofD. Very appreciative of the facilities improvements including new range balls. The GCofD is closer to its original concept of being a community course than ever in the past.

Mike Q